With rescuing dragons, occasionally people bring us other reptiles to care for. Piccolo is one reptile like this who came to us with Mr. Rose. He is a veiled chameleon. When we got him, he was a little underweight and
Piccolo the Chameleon

With rescuing dragons, occasionally people bring us other reptiles to care for. Piccolo is one reptile like this who came to us with Mr. Rose. He is a veiled chameleon. When we got him, he was a little underweight and
Mr. Big is our resident big man. He loves attention and the occasional snuggle. He eats well, is healthy, and would make a great pet.
We got Ziggy as a transfer from The Animal Foundation. Ziggy at one point had severe metabolic bone disease, which caused him to have a severely crooked spine. He is sweet and enjoys being held. We had x-rays done to
Petri came to us from a big box store. He has muscular dystrophy. His growth is stunted from this genetic disease which causes his muscles to be weak. Despite his condition, Petri is full of spunk and his zest for
Ziki came to us with Mushu from a local pet store. They gave her to us because they could not sell him because he had the beginning signs of MBD. Ziki was only a few months old, and is growing
Mushu came to us with Ziki from a local pet store. He is healthy and loves to head bob. He eats his salads well, but still prefers his bugs. He is an older male dragon who is calm and loves
We got Patrick as a baby with mouth rot. It was so bad that he had a hard time eating. Over the first few weeks, it cleared up and he was able to eat more and more. Today Patrick’s personality
We were contacted by a local family who had Zora. She was found outside in Utah and taken in by a family in the Las Vegas valley. Soon after getting Zora, they started to research the proper care for her
Eliz came to us with Vlad and Dominika. Like their stories, she was used as a breeder dragon. When she was no longer needed, the breeder dropped her off at a local pet store. The vet When we got Eliz,
Dominika came to us with Vlad and Eliz. They were all dropped off together at a local pet store. The pet store was told that they were breeder dragons that they no longer wanted or had a use for. These
Nicholas, or Nico as we call him, came to the foundation in the beginning of December 2019. He had a squished, necrotic hand that had to be removed. Luckily, it came off cleanly, and the vet said that he was
Rocco has a different story. Even as a new hatchling, Rocco had great care. The reason we got Rocco was because of his attitude. Rocco was a difficult baby dragon. He was very aggressive and would bite at any opportunity.
Belinda’s owners abandoned her at a local pet store. She was skinny and neglected. She was very hungry and eager to eat when we got her. Additionally, she was so hungry that she ate a plastic plant decoration before we
Apollo is a rescue in our foster home in Michigan. Unfortunately, he was in poor condition when his foster family found him. He had a tiny 10 gallon tank, no UV lighting, and was fed a poor diet. As we
Sprinkles is another foster dragon on the east coast. Bad breeding practices made Sprinkles deformed. She was the result of uninformed breeders trying to breed and sell “zeros” or white bearded dragons. Disfiguration occurs when genetic information of the bred